Residential Painting Process



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Residential Painting Calgary

Calgary Residential Commercial Painters
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Residential Exterior Painting 

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Residential Interior Painting

Apartment-Condominium-Painters Calgary, Canmore-Banff-Okotoks-Airdrie-Cochrane


Exterior Apartment and Condominium Painting



Commercial Exterior & Interior Painting 



Commercial Exterior & Interior Painting 

Residential Painting and Staining Services

Residential Painting and Staining Services

Ceiling Painting - Wall Painting - Baseboard Painting - Door Painting - Trim Painting - Window Painting - Wood Staining - Cabinet Painting - Cabinet Lacquering - Wallpaper Removal -Drywall Repair

Exterior Painting and Staining Services:

General Exterior painting - Stucco painting -Trim - Facia and Soffit Painting - Eavestrough and downspout painting - Fence Staining -Pressure Washing - Deck Finishing - Exterior Wood Varnish - Metal Finishes - Epoxy Coatings - New Construction

Picking the Right Colour

Paint isn't permanent. If you choose the wrong colour or colours for your home, you can always paint the rooms again. However, a repaint job is the last thing that you want to do, so pick your paint colours carefully.

Before you decide on your colours, consider the sizes of the rooms. Do you want to change the perception of space? Painting a small room dark can make it feel smaller than it actually is. However, a darker colour in a huge room can make it feel more intimate.

Another consideration is whether you would like to paint all your rooms the same colour. Painting your whole house the same colour can lend your home a polished, finished appearance. You can use accent colours, wall hangings or furniture to add colour interest to your monochromatic painting plan.

On the other hand, having different colours in your rooms will give your home more of an eclectic feel. You can coordinate the colour of the room with the activities that normally take place there. For example, picking a warm colour, such as red, orange or yellow, for your living room or family room might make the room feel more inviting. In your bedrooms, consider cool colours from the violet-blue-green range to help create a calming, soothing atmosphere.

Check your paint chip colours at different times of the day to see how the changing light affects the colours. Don't forget to turn on any lamps or lights that you might have on during that particular time of day. Don’t be shy to ask Can Do More Painting for a little advice.

Picking the Right Gloss:

What type of interior paint should you choose? This depends largely on the traffic that runs through the room. For example, it is hard to remove stains from flat paint finishes.

Therefore, flat paints should be used in less-traveled rooms. Low luster, satin and eggshell finishes are suitable for high traffic areas such as playrooms, kitchens or hallways where big and little hands come into contact with walls. These finishes can be washed more easily than flat finishes.

You can use semi-gloss, high gloss and enamels for places where lots of hands land, such as banisters, windowsills or other areas where you want the paint to glow.

Over the years, we have tried many paints! From client requested choices to new products on the market and so on. We keep coming back to Benjamin Moore Paint. We stand by their products on all our jobs with our Can Do More Painting Guarantee. Benjamin Moore's colour retention and durability is un-surpassed!


Aura® Interior Products


Ben interior paint


Regal Select paint


Aura Exterior Paint Satin


Ben exterior paint



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Our Certifications and Credentials

We strive to be the most credible painting company in Canada, we work hard to build the highest level of integrity, honesty, and trust with our customers. We have earned the trust and respect to be represented by these high-level companies below. Currently, we are the most credible and highest-rated painting company in all of Canada.

  • We are Baeumler Approved! HGTV’s Bryan Baeumler and his team had to speak directly with previous clients to verify the quality of work, level of service, pricing, follow-up, and communication. We were also verified to ensure safety compliance, quality of work, and communication on the job site.
  •  We are an accredited business with the Better Business Bureau and maintain an A+ rating. The BBB also establishes a composite score to which we maintain a 5 out of 5-star rating based directly on customer feedback submitted to the BBB.
  •  We are HomeStars Verified. Earning a Verified badge means that we passed an in-depth screening process, which includes: Criminal background, Credit checks, Licensing, and GST registration.
  •  On Google, we have a 5 out of 5-star rating.
  •  On HomeStars we have a 10 out of 10-star rating plus lots of project photos and client reviews to look at.
  •  BEST OF AWARD! We won the best of Calgary for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 for our category on HomeStars.
  •  We are RenovationFind Certified and one of the only A+ rated contractors in Calgary! RenovationFind is a 3rd party vendor that verifies all our company records including our business license, insurance, and WCB coverage. Plus, they check and validate our clean legal history.
  •  On Houzz, we also carry a full 5-star rating and showcase many projects.
  •  We have achieved BEST OF 2018, BEST OF 2019, BEST of 2020, BEST of 2021, and BEST of 2022 for Customer Satisfaction on Houzz.
  •  Recently we won the “BEST IN CALGARY” award for “The Top 5 Cabinet Refacing Services in Calgary”
  •  On Yelp we are a perfect 5-Star rated

Calgary-Bow Valley Residential and Commercial Painters by

Can Do More Painting - Renovation and Design

28 Calterra Estates Dr

Balzac Rocky View County, AB T4B3P4


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